Wij heten jou van harte welkom op de website van de VSB Young Management!
De VSB Young Management is dé belangrijkste vertegenwoordiger en belangenbehartiger voor Young Entrepreneurs (jonge ondernemers) en Young Professionals (jonge professionals) in de leeftijdscategorie van 18 tot en met 40 jaar in Suriname.
Ons voornaamste doel is om professionele en persoonlijke ontwikkeling op een laagdrempelige, maar effectieve manier te stimuleren. De VSB Young Management doet dit door haar leden de tools en kansen te bieden die zij nodig hebben.
Als lid van de VSB Young Management word je onderdeel van de VSB-familie. Een nationale gemeenschap van innovatieve en proactieve ondernemers en professionals.
- Vertegenwoordiger en belangenbehartiger die in dialoog treedt met diverse partners en stakeholders voor haar leden.
- Het stimuleren van professionele en persoonlijke ontwikkeling
- Het beschikbaar stellen van tools en het bieden van kansen voor succes
- Fungeren als dé katalysator die haar leden in staat stelt om te leren van elkaar
- Duidelijk merkbare verrijking van persoonlijke levens
- Exclusief platform
- Toegang tot alle exclusieve VSB (Young Management) evenementen
- Toegang tot professionele ontwikkeling programma’s
- Toegang tot internationale netwerken en ontwikkeling mogelijkheden
De Vereniging Surinaams Bedrijfsleven, in samenwerking met de United Nations Suriname, organiseerde op maandag 1 augustus de eerste SDG Terugkomdag. Bij de trainingen die zijn gehouden van februari tot april 2022 zijn er ruim 180 SDG ambassadeurs getraind in de “ins en outs” van de Sustainable Development Goals of SDGs en hoe die uiteindelijk deel te maken van de interne bedrijfsprocessen. Deze SDG terugkomdag was bestemd voor de participanten van de voornoemde SDG trainingen. 6 bedrijven waren in de gelegenheid om het beste van hun SDG kant te laten zien.
Alembo, een 300 werknemers tellend bedrijf heeft het gehad over 17 jaar duurzame arbeidsmarktontwikkeling, de centrale plek van Medewerkers en haar MVO beleid vanaf 2017. Dit doet zij bijvoorbeeld middels SDG activiteiten voor young professionals (competities), Studiebeurzen voor medewerkers enzovoort.
HEM Suriname heeft tijdens haar presentatie aandacht geschonken aan hoe zij op een duurzame manier omgaat met afval, haar personeel en gezin en partners betrekt om hier ook deelgenoot van te zijn.
B4Agro&FoodSystems heeft het gehad over haar impact op de samenleving via haar research en development in Hybrid Hydroponics. Dit bedrijf heeft op deze terugkomdag ook haar B4Cups Campaign gelanceerd, waar zij gebruikte Cups (wegwerpbekers 7 en 9 oz) inzamelt voor SRD 0,10 per stuk.
Torarica Group had het over de Green Key & de sterke relatie met de Sustainable Development Goals. De Green Key is een toonaangevende standaard van uitmuntendheid op het gebied van verantwoordelijkheid voor het milieu en duurzame bedrijfsvoering binnen de toeristische sector. Hiermee belooft Torarica aan zijn personeel en gasten dat ze helpen een verschil te maken op ecologisch en duurzaam niveau.
Baitali Group uitte haar missie als een betrouwbare partner van idee tot realisatie van grote infrastructurele projecten in Suriname en de regio. In dit kader presenteerde Baitali een overzicht van haar projecten gekoppeld aan de SDGs, gebaseerd op 3 dimensies: 1 . missie, visie en kernwaarden, 2. core business, 3. CSR beleid. Thema’s zoals gezondheidszorg, competentie ontwikkeling, opvang en hergebruik regenwater, monitoring en terugdringen energie verbruik, recycling zijn enkele trefwoorden van de diverse SDG projecten en initiatieven binnen de Baitali Group of Companies.
Surinaamse Brouwerij richt haar SDG bewegingen zowel intern als extern. Intern worden medewerkers telkens bewust gehouden over de SDG’s en ook gestimuleerd om met initiatieven te komen. Een van de recente resultaten hiervan is het Social Responsibility Partnership 2022 project gericht op het beschermen en herstellen van vitale mangrovebossen. Een van haar recente activiteiten was ook de kickoff van de #TakeTheBall Challenge.
Als uitgangspunt voor economische groei heeft de VSB in haar manifest reeds in 2010 opgenomen dat het bedrijfsleven de motor is van de economie. In het VSB manifest van 2015 werd er al aandacht geschonken aan het het belang van duurzaam ondernemen en good corporate citizenship. De VSB zal haar leden blijven ondersteunen, blijven vertegenwoordigen middels sociale dialoog en blijven oproepen om zoveel als mogelijk in staat te zijn zelf bij te dragen aan duurzaamheid.
- About the 12 and 29 modules?
There are only 2 options. 12 or 29. The exam will also be based on the 29 modules if you choose to go for the 29 modules.
- Customized training?
A customized training of 12 self-selected modules is possible. The registration must be made by or for a group consisting of at least 10 to 12 participants.
- Are all modules provided online?
Yes, all 29 modules are provided via an ECampus platform.
- How much time will this training cost?
Completing each module takes between 1.5 and 2 hours depending on the participants speed. Including the zoom and phisical sessions this training will cost each participant up to 35 hours in total.
- Is the exam mandatory?
- How many re-examination chances do I get?
After the first attempt the participant gets one chance
- Is there also an exam for the 29 training modules?
Yes, all exams are based on either 12 or 29 modules.
- How long for the 12 and 29 modules training?
The 12 modules take up to 3 to 4 weeks.
The 29 modules take up to 7 to 8 weeks.
- Investment for the 29 modules training?
The investment here will be US$1000 per participant who is employed by a member of the VSB.
Non-members pay US$1500 per participant.
- Possible in-company training?
Yes. Participants will still be using the VSB-ITC ECampus platform (plus participate in all zoom sessions and 1 physical session). We can of course make adjustments to the sessions depending on the need.
- Supervisor level
The training team will consist of a Surinamese EOSH expert, a ILO certified EOSH trainer from the VSB and will be guided by the International Training Center of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Dates | Activities | Action | Platform | Time |
July 25th | Participants receive their ECampus credentials | Participants should start logging into their accounts | ECampus | Flexible |
August 1st | Training Modules 1,2 & 3 | Participants start this weeks modules | ECampus | Flexible |
August 4 | Zoom Session 1 | VSB will send link | Zoom | 9.00-11.00h |
August 7 | Training Modules 4, 5 & 6 | Participants start this weeks modules | ECampus | Flexible |
August 11 | Zoom Session 2 | VSB will send link | Zoom | 9.00-11.00h |
August 14 | Training Modules 7, 8 & 9 | Participants start this weeks modules | ECampus | Flexible |
August 18 | Zoom Session 3 | VSB will send link | Zoom | 9.00-11.00h |
August 21 | Training Modules 10, 11 & 12 | Participants start this weeks modules | ECampus | Flexible |
August 25 | Inperson Session | Compulsory Participation of Participants | Location T.B.C | 9.00-14.00h |
Date TBA in first week of the training | Examination | Compulsory Participation of Participants | ECampus | TBC |
Date TBA in first week of the training | Re-Examination | Compulsory Participation of Participants | ECampus | TBC |
The Module covers some kinds of special works such as welding, explosion-prone environment, excavations, demolition works.
Welding poses a range of well-known and subtle hazards to health and safety. These can act quickly or may show up only in the long term. They can be rapidly fatal (electric shock or exposure to cadmium fumes) or have delayed effects (lung cancer over time). Excavation and trenching are among the most hazardous construction operations. Excavations includes any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in the earth’s surface formed by earth removal. Cave-ins pose the greatest risk and are much more likely than other excavation-related accidents to result in fatalities. Other potential hazards include falls, falling loads, hazardous atmospheres, and incidents involving mobile equipment.
Demolition work involves many of the same hazards that arise during other construction activities. However, demolition also involves additional hazards due to a variety of other factors. All demolition, dismantling and structural alterations must be carefully planned and carried out in a way that prevents danger by practitioners with the relevant skills, knowledge and experience.
The main aim of occupational risk assessment is to protect workers’ health and safety. Risk assessment helps minimize the possibility of the workers or the environment being harmed due to work-related activities. It also helps keep your business competitive and productive. In many countries, under the health and safety laws all employers must carry out regular risk assessments. In practical terms, a risk assessment is a thorough look at your workplace to identify those situations, processes and so forth that may cause harm.
The objective of the Work Permit system is to identify hazards associated with a non-routine job, and to develop precautions required to control each identified hazard. Work permits can help prevent workers from causing damage or injury when they face hazards associated with specific jobs.
Employers have duties concerning the provision and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) at work. Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE”, is equipment worn to minimize exposure to serious workplace injuries and illnesses. These injuries and illnesses may result from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment may include items such as gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, coveralls, vests and full body suits.
PPE should be used as a last resort. Wherever there are risks to health and safety that cannot be adequately controlled in other ways, the Personal Protective Equipment has to be supplied.
Lifting and hoisting operations are one of the major causes of fatalities and serious incidents. The Module is based on current experience and best practice for preventing such incidents. The number and severity of injuries may be greatly reduced by preparing and planning for lifting, and practicing safe lifting and handling techniques.
Supervisors are responsible for the safety and health of their employees. This holds true when ensuring that employees are using tools safely. Workers should be trained in safe procedures for working with tools. However, safe practices when carrying or storing those tools may not be thoroughly covered. Tools, machines and appliance can pose a serious safety risk when they are misplaced or improperly handled by workers.
Electricity is a familiar and necessary part of everyday life, but electricity can kill or severely injure people and cause damage to property. Electricity is one of the leading causes of death and injuries at work. The Module Electricity covers the key elements to consider when devising safe working practices and is for people who carry out work on or near electrical equipment. It includes practical information for workers who are dealing with electricity in their workplaces and for managers and supervisors who control or influence the design, specification, selection, installation, commissioning, maintenance or operation of electrical equipment.
Fire is a very high risk in any location. The main goal of fire prevention is to train employees to take precautions to prevent potentially harmful fires, and be trained on how to face fire situations. Practical exercises on use of fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment, and evacuation plans which may be organized at workplaces
A dangerous substance is a product that, when used, is potentially harmful to people or the environment. Improper use of dangerous substances may lead to very serious consequences. The damage can be health damage such as poisoning and irritation, but it can also include fire, explosion or soil pollution.
An important element of any system for prevention of major incidents is the establishment of a facility specific emergency plan. Emergency planning seeks to minimize the effect of an incident both inside and outside a facility, and requires timely application of defined procedures by people with adequate training and resources. For this to happen, plans and procedures specific to relevant activities at the facility must have been developed, documented and tested prior to the occurrence of an event.
Accident prevention requires the creation and maintenance of a safe working environment and the promotion of safe behavior. Accident prevention began as a reactive process. This was based largely on waiting for accidents or health problems to happen and then devising and implementing some form of control to prevent these types of accident or health hazards from re-occurring in the future. As a result, such controls that are found in industry have been strongly reactive in their nature. The Module covers issues related to the nature of accidents, accidents factors, prevention and registration.
The main aim of occupational risk assessment is to protect workers’ health and safety. Risk assessment helps minimize the possibility of the workers or the environment being harmed due to work-related activities. It also helps keep your business competitive and productive. In many countries, under the health and safety laws all employers must carry out regular risk assessments. In practical terms, a risk assessment is a thorough look at your workplace to identify those situations, processes and so forth that may cause harm.
Occupational Safety and Health is a field composed of an wide variety of subjects. Frequently, there is differt understanding of the aims of OSH, of the principles and fundamentals that should guide its action and even of the meaning of OSH concepts. This lack of common language hinders the establishment of a shared viewpoint and basis for fruitful work on OSH. This Module has the aim of serving as a reference guide in this regard and of giving general information on most common hazards that exist in most enterprises.