Ontvang De Nieuwslijn van de VSB

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As the governments of both, Guyana and Suriname, are strengthening their bilateral relationship, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) of Guyana and the Suriname Trade and Industry Association (VSB) also realize the importance of the  involvement of the private sector as the engine for growth and development in both countries.

The establishment of the Suriname-Guyana Private sector Counsil and the intentions were shared with president Chandrikapersad Santokhi on the 16 of march 2022 through a courtesy visit by the newly established council.

The council had it’s first official meeting on the 16th of march. Ambitious targets have been set. The agenda for the next 12 months is now set. The next meeting will be held in May 2022 in Guyana. Suriname will be chairing the council for 6 months. VSB chairman Bryan Renten is taking the lead for the upcoming 6 months. 
More detail in the next newsletter. 

Zijn er interessante weetjes of activiteiten waar u graag ook via de Nieuwslijn van de VSB aandacht voor wenst, kunt u gerust contact opnemen met de heer Kamlesh Ganesh via zijn mailadres kamlesh.ganesh@vsbstia.org, of bellen naar het Bureau van de VSB. Hetzelfde geldt voor advertenties.