Datasur – We use data every day. We open our laptop, enter our username and password and have access to our data. This is what’s important to us end-users. Having access at all times to the (company) data that we call up using applications such as Microsoft 365, Mybox and other Business Intelligence Tools. With various SaaS (also known as Software as a Service) Solutions, the computing and storage of data does not take place locally on your device, but on an infrastructure that is “in the cloud”.

During our last webinar on March 19, 2021, two of our partners, Zwinq Tech and NoCodeSu, discussed the solutions their company deliver to their customers, locally and internationally. Naturally, these digitization initiatives are offered in partnership with Datasur.

Zwinq Tech offers innovative Business Intelligence Software Solutions including Fleet & Fuel Management that makes it possible to accurately and correctly report on the cost of ownership of the vehicle fleet, CO2 footprint, fuel savings and many more KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators), without human intervention. These insights help to increase better decision making, efficiency and reduce costs.

NoCodeSu provides No-Code Development Platforms, which enable business users without a technical background or coding skills to develop and implement custom business applications faster. NoCodeSu can be seen as the future of digitally driven business development. NoCodeSu’s goal is to contribute to economic development and technical mobility by unleashing the fast-growing technical development skills in Suriname. Some of the benefits of NoCodeSu are:

– Faster development, significantly increasing the time-to-market of each digital product;
– Better quality solutions;
– Reduction of operational costs;
– Innovation and growth.

If you missed our last webinar, you can view it by clicking on the following link:

Until the next Monthly Webinar!

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