The Official Suriname Energy, Oil and Gas Summit 2021 will bring together industry leaders, regional government and ministries, NOC’s, NGC’s, regulators, and policy makers to the 3-day virtual summit dedicated to Suriname’s oil and gas sector.

Staatsolie and SEOGS 2021 will enable you and your industry peers to take part in an interactive networking experience, including access to valuable information and market intelligence on a virtual platform dedicated to the industry.

The SEOGS 2021 programme is structured around three key themes:

Day 1: Suriname – Open for Business

Day 2: Sustainable Development of Natural Resources for the Benefit of All

Day 3: Diversification, Industrialisation and Job Creation

Local Content: Masterclasses (open to all)

25% discount for VSB Members
Early bird until 21 may: $250 (25% off)
Normal rate: $350 (25% off)


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