What is the employer’s role related to the vaccine rollout? How do employers manage health and safety concerns when staff members choose not to be vaccinated? What other preventive measures should be taken besides vaccines? Is global vaccine distribution happening equitably? When and how will staff be able to begin cross-border travel? Are the other preventative measures still required? These are some of the questions WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and ILO Director-General Mr Guy Ryder answered during the IOE Digital Conference on next steps for employers in Covid-19 response in February 2021. The leadership from the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations, International Trade Union Confederation, The Adecco Group, and the United States Council for International Business were also part of this high-profile event. The full Conference can be viewed here on IOE’s YouTube channel. This Report provides an overview of the main outcomes from the Conference along with supplemental information in boxes that expands on issues raised. The aim is to provide the most up-to-date information on the role of employers in relation to promoting health measures together with the latest thinking on areas of concern to employers including restart of cross-border mobility.

Full report: IOE Conference on Covid19 What Employers Need to Prepare for Next

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