On the 23rd of April 2021 the largest communication conference in the Caribbean took place for the third time. The online communication conference 2021 was entirely devoted to professional communication and how to get to the core of impactful communication in a multicultural society. The theme was: Who is your Father, Who is your Mother? Based on the communication book on How Surinamese communicate. Seminars, workshops and interactive sessions were provided online on professional communication, intercultural communication, populist communication and destination marketing.

Datasur also contributed and participated during this communication conference, since it acknowledged the multicultural facets of Suriname and its people, doing business in- and with such a community in order to realize Datasur company goals still within a competitive environment.

CEO, Anvit Ramlakhan, held a presentation about intercultural communication: “Intercultural Communication in Suriname based on a Business context”, with specification of the definition of Intercultural Communication, elements of Intercultural Communication and how to recognize these in real life, bringing Intercultural Communication into practice within the work environment (business context), highlighting Intercultural Communication challenges and how to improve Intercultural Communication skills.

Source: Datasur

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