All protocols observed.

But still a very good morning to both Presidents their respective Cabinet member, the private from Guyana and Suriname,

Allow me to say a few words.

During our stay, we have been able to make the most out of our time in Guyana to get a better understanding of the Guyanese economy. To be honest, we were impressed with the dynamics of developments and the hard work Guyana is putting into its future.

Dear president Santokhi, 

We would like to thank you for taking the initiative to include the private sector in this historic event. For as far as I can remember, this is the first time the private sector of Suriname is represented in such large numbers in a state visit. This for sure speaks about your vision about the importance to include the private sector in the development of Suriname and to bring both countries together. 

Dear president Irfan Ali. 

As the Chairman of the Suriname Trade and Industry Association, I also owe a debt of gratitude to you, your government, the private sector of Guyana, in particular the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Trade and the Private Sector Commission. This for the unprecedented welcome and heartwarming hospitality by Guyana.

We have taken note of the intentions of both you leaders to strengthen the relationship between Suriname and Guyana. We’re also aware of your intentions with the involvement of the private sector in the development of both countries. The fact that the private sector is seen as the engine of both economies is well recognized.

By virtue of that fact, you have come to symbolize the real way of building our economies. 

I can inform you that the PSC and the STIA will put out a joint statement recognition your shared vison and emphasizing the intention of the both private sectors from Guyana and Suriname to closely collaborate to utilize all the opportunities both countries , both economies have to offer in line with your vision. 

So, On this note, 

Let us now start Building the envisioned future, so that, for coming generations as well, it holds out the promise of an economically strong, socially just, and prosperous home for all Surinamese and Guyanese people.

Thank you again, for making this the most memorable visit to Guyana we have ever been part of.

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