The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and The University of the West Indies (The UWI) will bring together regional and international industry experts and academics to be part of the West Indies Economics Conference 2022 (WECON) discussion on Digital Infrastructure and Development in the Caribbean. The session will take place on Thursday, March 10th, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. EST/ 2:30 p.m. AST.

Closing regional digital and telecommunications infrastructure gaps with the world’s most advanced economies could yield dividends in productivity, employment, and growth. This is true for all Latin American and Caribbean countries, and especially so for the IDB’s 6 Caribbean member countries (The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago) —where benefits in terms of GDP growth are often at a scale much larger than the required investment.

We invite you to be part of our discussion on ‘Digital Infrastructure and Development in the Caribbean’.


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