VSB underlines the importance of a well-functioning social security system in relation to the pursuit of decent work for all in Suriname. In this regard we hosted an ILO mission, consisting of Mr. Ariel Pino (Social Protection and OSH Specialist) and Mr. Arthur van Meerendonk (ILO Consultant) on the 8th of July at our office for a consultations regarding a Social Protection Perfomance and Expenditure Review (SPER).
Mutual communication and information exchange between stakeholders, as well as data collection, will be prerequisites in order to get a good overview of our current social security system with the intention to set out from there a path towards the desired reform.
The mission expressed the need to attract a national management consultant to pull and drive the implementation of the reform. Both ILO officials believe that this issue needs to be well worked out in order to improve social security for Surinamese society. VSB will actively contribute in this process of the SPER by ensuring the employersprespective is is also included in this study.