The Suriname Trade and Industry Association (STIA) signed a Letter of Agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations on 10 August 2021 for the implementation of a project, which entails the provision of services to facilitate the consultation process of the draft National Forest Financing Strategy for Suriname with relevant stakeholders.

Besides the consultations, STIA is providing business and investment plan development training to companies in 2022.

The project is implemented in the context of the development of the United Nations Joint Programme Project to develop a Roadmap for a Sustainable Financial System for Suriname.

The main objectives of the project are: 

  • to facilitate stakeholder consultation of the draft Forest Financing Strategy for forest value chain actors, ecotourism entrepreneurs, NTFP-traders and government agencies;
  • to raise awareness of the economic potential of the forest products, the timber sector and ecotourism for Suriname; and
  • to organize and implement training courses for business and investment plan development.

The second phase of the project started on the 17th of june 2022 with 10 companies from the sector. In the upcoming weeks the work wil focus on reaching the objectives. The process is also guided by Door Advisory and Accountant Cyril Soeri.

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